Friday 18 March 2011

external question papers


Practical Lab Examination Oct 2010                       Maximum Marks :60
YEAR /SEMESTER :II Year / III Sem                                Time : 3 Hours

1. ( a). WAQ to create a sequence ?
b. WAQ that retrieve the marks of students arrange in ascending order and   descending order?

2. a. WAQ to create synonym?
b. WAQ to find out max, min, sum, avg, count from student table?

3                    a. WAQ to create view?
b. WAQ to display current system date?

4. a. Write a PL/SQL program to display addition of two numbers.
   b. Write a query to create sequence?

5. a. Write a PL/SQL program to display factorial of given number?
   b. WAQ to display names of students whose name start with alphabet ‘S’?
  c. WAQ to display names of students whose name end with alphabet ‘a’ ?

6.a. Writa a PL/SQL program to find out largest of two numbers?
   b. WAQ to modify the structure of a student table by changing the data type of address     to varchar.
c. WAQ to modify the structure of a student table by deleting the field address.

7.a Writa PL/SQL program to illustrate for any program for exeception handling?
 b. WAQto find out abs, sqrt, power, ascii, remainder of a given number? (25)
8.a WAQ to vreate a swquence?
 b. WAQ to delete the record from the student table whose marks are less than 100?
 C. WAQ to change the balbe name?
9.a. WAQ to create a synonym?
 b. WAQ to that retrives the Pinno, names of students – whose marks are in the range of 400 (or )750?

10.a. WAQ to create a view?
 b. WAQ to insert a record into student table for all fields at a time by using direct values and by using ‘&’ operator?
c. PL/SQL program to multiplication of two numbers?

11. a. Write a PL/SQL to display division of two nos?
 b. Write to remove the specified character from left side an right side of given string?
c. Write a query to convert a string upper to lower?

12.a Write a PL/SQL to illustrate for any program for exception handling?
 b. Write a query to delete tha record from the student table whose marks are less than 100?

13.a. Write a query to create sequence?
 b. Write a query that retrieves the pin no, attendance of students whose marks are above 480 using not operator?

14.a. WAQ to create view?
 b. WAQthat retrives names, marks of students who secure marks 500?

15.a WAQ to find out how many months between 2dates?
 b. WAQ to add months to a given date?
c. Write a PL/SQL program to find out larges of two numbers using (if/else)?

16.a. Write a PL/SQL Program to display factorial of given numbers?
 b. Write a query to find out sqare root of given numbers?

17. Write a PL/SQL to find out addition of two numbers?
 b. Write query to create swquence?.

18. a. Wr4ite a PL/SQL to illustrate for any Program for exception handling?
b. WAQ to remove the specified character formleft side and right side of the string?

19.a. Write a query to create a view?
b. write a query to display current system date?
c. Write a query to display current user name?

20. Write a query to find out factorial of given number?
b. Write a query that retrives the marks of students are arrange in ascending & descending order?

Internal Examiner                                          External Examiner

 Practical Lab Examination Oct 2010                       Maximum Marks :60
YEAR /SEMESTER :II Year / III Sem                                Time : 3 Hours

1.        Write a query to insert values into student table using (i) single insertion process. (ii) Multiple insertion process.
2.       (a) Write a Query to create a student table student (sname, sno, marks, address (b) description of the table.
3.       Write  a Query to alter a table using (i) adding (ii) modifying
4.       (a) write a query to delete a row? Whoever have pin no 234. (b) write a query to select whoever have marks 540?
5.        (a) Write a Query to select sum, avg, min, max of marks from student table? (b) write a query to change marks whoever have pin no 150?
6.       Write a Query using drop command. (i) to drop a column (ii) to drop a table
7.        write a query using dual table (i) addition (ii) subtraction (iii) multiplication (iv) division
8.       (a)Write a Query to create a view? (b) Write a Query to drop a view?
9.       (a) write a query to create a Synonym? (b) write a query to drop a Synonym? (c) Write a query to that retrieves the pinno, names of students –whose marks are in the range of 400 (or) 750?


Practical Lab Examination Nov/Dec 2011                       Min marks 30
Maximum Marks :60
YEAR /SEMESTER :II Year / III Sem                                Time : 3 Hours

1.     Table Name: Legends                                                                                             sno          Legends name                Job
1.          Anna Hazare                      Corruption Struggler                    
2.          Baba Ramdev                  Yoga guru                                         
3.          Shivaji                            Maharastra King
(a)  Create the Legends table
(b)  Insert the values into the table.
(c)  Display the values of Legend table who’s name starts with B
(d)  Insert one row as
Sno    Legendname                   Job
     4        Ravishanker          Art Of Living
(e) modify legend name as kohli whose job is Cricketer
(f) Add column as rank;
(g) delete the above sno column

2.  write a SQL queries on (i) view (ii) index (iii) sequence (iv) integrity constraints

3. Write a PL/SQL program (i) to display addition of two numbers. (ii) sum of digits of a given number (iii) packages

Internal Examiner                                          External Examiner

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